Supply Drop Event Whiteout Survival

Supply Drop Event

“Locate lost supplies scattered all over the Tundra.”

“The bandits overloaded and crashed their airship, paying the price for their own greed. The supplies they carried are now scattered all over the tundra. During the event, you can find these lost supplies by hunting beasts, collecting resources, spending gems, and using speedups.”

How to Get Scattered Supplies?

During the event, you need to gather loot chests called “Scattered Supplies“. These loot chests contain various items, including Mythic Shards, Manuals, and Lucky Hero Gear Chests. You can obtain Scattered Supplies through these four methods:

  1. Spend Gems (Chest Limit: 60) – You receive 1 Scattered Supplies chest for every 500 gems spent.
  2. Use Speedups (Chest Limit: 60) – You receive 1 Scattered Supplies chest for every hour of speed-up used.
  3. Defeat Beasts (Chest Limit: 120) – You receive 1 Scattered Supplies chest for every beast you defeat.
  4. Gather Resources (Chest Limit: 60)


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