Vision of Dawn

Vision of Dawn is a special event in Whiteout Survival. In this event, your goal is to collect Hope by completing specific tasks. As you earn more Hope, you’ll unlock chests. Each chest requires you to gather a higher amount of Hope than the previous one.


Here are the tasks available in the Vision of Dawn event:

Defeat 5 Beasts2 Hope, 20K Hero XP, 100K Meat, 100K Wood
Defeat 15 Beasts4 Hope, 2 Mythic Expedition Manuals, x5 5-minute General Speedups, x5 5-minute Construction Speedups
Call rally and hunt down 3 Polar Terrors2 Hope, 20K Hero XP, 20K Coal, 5K Iron
Call rally and hunt down 10 Polar Terrors4 Hope, 300 Enhancement XP, x5 5-minute General Speedups, x5 5-minute Research Speedups
Gather 3,000,000 resources2 Hope, 20K Hero XP, 100K Meat, 100K Wood
Gather 10,000,000 resources4 Hope, 2 Mythic Exploration Manuals, x5 5-minute General Speedups, x5 5-minute Training Speedups
Use Advanced Recruitment 10 times2 Hope, 300 Gems, 20K Coal, 5K Iron
Use Epic Recruitment 10 times4 Hope, x5 5-minute Construction Speedups, x5 5-minute Research Speedups, x5 5-minute Training Speedups
Use Epic Recruitment 30 times10 Hope, 2 Mythic Shards, 5 Fire Crystals, x10 Level 2 Custom Resource Chests
Make any purchase 1 time20 Hope, War Chant Custom Chest, 10 Fire Crystals, x2 Epic Recruitment Keys
Tasks – Vision of Dawn

Vision of Dawn Chests

Once you gather a specific amount of Hope, you can unlock Vision of Dawn chests. These chests hold several rewards, and the more Hope a chest needs, the better the rewards inside.

There are a total of 5 chests up for grabs in the event. The first one becomes available when you reach 10 Hope, while the final chest unlocks at 110 Hope. The event lasts for 3 days, giving you plenty of time to claim these chests. Tasks in the event refresh daily, so you can earn more Hope by completing them again each day.

Here are the rewards each Vision of Dawn chest contains:

Chest NumberHope RequiredRewards
1101,000 Gems, 50 Chief Stamina
2203h General Speedup, 50 Chief Stamina
350500 Enhancement XP, 50 Chief Stamina
48015 Fire Crystals, 50 Chief Stamina
51103 War Chant Custom Chests, 200 Chief Stamina
Chests – Vision of Dawn

Can you get all the chests as F2P?

For players who don’t spend money on the game (F2P), it’s not realistic to obtain all the chests in the Vision of Dawn event. The best you can achieve is getting the first three chests.

The last two tasks are quite challenging because one demands 30 Epic Recruitments daily, and the other involves making a purchase every day, which isn’t feasible for F2P players. If you skip these tasks, you can expect to earn 24 Hope each day.

Since the event lasts for three days, you’ll gather a total of 72 Hope. However, the final two chests require 80 and 110 Hope respectively, so unfortunately, you won’t be able to unlock them.


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