Troop Stats

Troops have five primary statistics in Whiteout Survival: Attack, Defense, Health, Lethality, and Load. Let’s take a closer look at each of these stats to understand their roles and significance.

Attack and Defense

Attack and Defense go hand in hand in battles. When a troop attacks, it directly impacts the defense of the opposing troop. Improving attack stats helps your troops break down the enemy’s defense, resulting in more effective damage.

To boost the attack and defense capabilities of your troops, there are multiple effective strategies. Certain heroes, like Natalia, offer buffs that specifically improve troop attack abilities.

As you progress and train higher-tier troops, their natural attack and defense strength improve. Additionally, upgrading the chief gears relevant to a troop class can greatly elevate the attack and defense of that troop class.

Lethality and Health

Similar to Attack and Defense, Lethality and Health of troops are interconnected. Lethality signifies how much damage your troops can inflict on the enemy’s health, affecting the number of casualties or injuries enemies troops sustain during an attack.

Lethality and Attack are both essential components of the game’s damage calculation formula. Their combined strength determines the damage potential of your troops. To enhance the lethality and health of your troops, you can focus on improving specific aspects.

One way is by upgrading particular hero gears. For example, goggles and boots enhance the lethality of a troop class, enabling your troops to deal more damage. On the other hand, gauntlets and belts enhance the health of a specific troop class, making them more resilient.

Additionally, upgrading chief charms is another effective way to boost lethality and health for a troop class.


Another important troop statistic to consider is ‘load.’ Load indicates the amount of resources your troops can transport while gathering or raiding, and you can check this value in the military camp when training troops.

Each troop type has its own load capacity, and it increases as you advance to higher troop tiers.

There is no set time limit for gathering missions, but once your troops reach their maximum load capacity, they will return to the city.

When selecting troops or heroes for gathering, pay attention to the top-right corner of the screen. This area displays the total resource capacity of your current configuration. If this value is less than the total resources available on the target tile, you may need to make multiple trips to collect everything.

Similarly, when you’re conducting an attack on a city, the amount of resources you can plunder depends on the number of troops that survive the battle and their individual load capacities.

Fewer surviving troops mean a lower total load capacity, resulting in fewer resources obtained during the attack. In such cases, you might consider launching a second attack to increase your resource gains.

Which is the most important troop stat?

When you’re focusing on improving your gear, heroes, chief gears, charm upgrades, or purchasing buffs, one of the most important statistics to prioritize is ‘Lethality.’

Lethality measures how much damage your troops can deal, especially if you’re leading a rally. A higher Lethality allows you to confidently face powerful enemies like the Raging Bear or Polar Terrors.

The second most important stat to emphasize is ‘Attack,’ as it holds a key role in the game’s damage calculation formula. Both Attack and Lethality greatly influence the damage your troops can inflict during rallies. Improving these stats enhances your troop’s offensive abilities.

Following Lethality and Attack, you should consider focusing on ‘Defense’ and ‘Health’ for your troops. These stats contribute to your troop’s resilience and survivability during battles, ensuring they can withstand enemy attacks so you can get the most out of your attacks.


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